Monday, 23 May 2011


I came to the library at University last week to look for one of  main referrences in my field. Iam in the field of phonlogy . I chose one of main referrences in my major ,which is  phonlogy that is related to sound patterns of English . The book that I looked for  is accustic sounds. I spent much time to find the book but my attempt was futile. After several times I decided to ask librarian to help me ,who really searched for the book but also his attempt was in vain and decided to check on computer. He told me the book is not currently availabel so far, but he will do his best to find the chosen book within coming few weeks. Before I go I thanked the librarian ,and I promised him to back later.


  1. I'm sorry to learn that you couldn't find the book you wanted. It was good that you asked the librarian for help, even though the book search was till unsuccessful.

    In fact, from time to time, some books are taken from the shelf by readers but mis-placed when returned.

    A few things in your post need to be looked at closely again.

    1. Spelling

    It is very important that you spell your subject correctly; otherwise, it will look unprofessional. You mentioned your subject twice in this post, but it is not a correct spelling.

    Also, what are the correct spelling of these words: 'referrences', 'futile', and 'availabel'?

    2. Use a good English-English dictionary to check the meaning of 'currently' and 'so far'. Are there any differences?

    3. Verb tense

    You managed to use the simple past tense quite well, except a few slips in places. Can you find them and try to correct the errors?

    4. Punctuation

    A few full stops and commas have not been in the appropriate place. How would you correct them?

  2. Hi Sultan. After you've tried making corrections from Sandra's comments, send me an email because I have a text that you can compare with what you've written.
