Tuesday, 3 May 2011

1-I think each skill has weaknesses an strenthens  for example 1- listening has weakenesses in i understanding the spoken accents ,but the strengths lie in understanding the spoken language
2- In writing the weaknesses in using punctuation marks and putting them in the appropriate places ,but the strenghts in practising writting including academic Writing
3-reading lie in comprehension the context of the text and what is talking about
4-grammar and vocabulary considered as basics needed for all skills including writting

2-I want to improve all English skills ,especially in vocabulary building ,organization in esay way during everyday speaking
3- Ican pracise English by many ways like reading English newspapers ,Watching English movies and speaking with native speakers through modern computerized ways


  1. ilike to know more about new methods of teaching English

  2. I'm glad to see that you've done your first post successfully.

  3. Hi Sultan. It's interesting that you have identified strengths and weaknesses within each skill, but would you say that you feel more confident about any one skill above the other three?

    I think that writing regularly via a blog can be a good way to bring together ideas from your reading, and it will give you an opportunity to experiment with new vocabulary and grammar structures. I'll happily provide regular feedback if you create regular blog posts.

    A couple of questions to follow up on your final point:
    1. Do you have a favourite British newspaper? 2. What kind of movies do you enjoy watching?
